final Hashtable<String, Object> params = command.params();
final Point start = new Point(params.get("startX"), params.get("startY"));final Point end = new Point(params.get("endX"), params.get("endY"));final Integer steps = (Integer) params.get("steps");final UiDevice device = UiDevice.getInstance();Point absStartPos = new Point();
Point absEndPos = new Point();首先从命令里获取参数,后解析出3个变量:起始点start、终点end、步骤steps。然后获得设备对象,定义2个私有Point对象,以备后用。
final AndroidElement el = command.getElement();
absStartPos = el.getAbsolutePosition(start);absEndPos = el.getAbsolutePosition(end, false);首先获取控件对象,再通过getAbsolutePosition传入不同的参数获得在该控件上点击的起始点和结束点。
public Point getAbsolutePosition(final Point point,
final boolean boundsChecking) throws UiObjectNotFoundException,
InvalidCoordinatesException {
final Rect rect = el.getBounds();
final Point pos = new Point();
Logger.debug("Element bounds: " + rect.toShortString());
if (point.x == 0) {
pos.x = rect.width() * 0.5 + rect.left;
} else if (point.x <= 1) {
pos.x = rect.width() * point.x + rect.left;
} else {
pos.x = rect.left + point.x;
if (boundsChecking) {
if (pos.x > rect.right || pos.x < rect.left) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("X coordinate ("
+ pos.x.toString() + " is outside of element rect: "
+ rect.toShortString());
if (point.y == 0) {
pos.y = rect.height() * 0.5 + rect.top;
} else if (point.y <= 1) {
pos.y = rect.height() * point.y + rect.top;
} else {
pos.y = rect.left + point.y;
if (boundsChecking) {
if (pos.y > rect.bottom || pos.y < rect.top) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("Y coordinate ("
+ pos.y.toString() + " is outside of element rect: "
+ rect.toShortString());
return pos;
absStartPos = getDeviceAbsPos(start);
absEndPos = getDeviceAbsPos(end);通过调用getDeviceAbsPos()方法得到坐标值来初始化之前声明的私有Point对象.
protected static Point getDeviceAbsPos(final Point point)
throws InvalidCoordinatesException {
final UiDevice d = UiDevice.getInstance();
final Point retPos = new Point(point); // copy inputed point
final Double width = (double) d.getDisplayWidth();
if (point.x < 1) {
retPos.x = width * point.x;
if (retPos.x > width || retPos.x < 0) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("X coordinate ("
+ retPos.x.toString() + " is outside of screen width: "
+ width.toString());
final Double height = (double) d.getDisplayHeight();
if (point.y < 1) {
retPos.y = height * point.y;
if (retPos.y > height || retPos.y < 0) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("Y coordinate ("
+ retPos.y.toString() + " is outside of screen height: "
+ height.toString());
return retPos;
final boolean rv = device.swipe(absStartPos.x.intValue(),
absStartPos.y.intValue(), absEndPos.x.intValue(),absEndPos.y.intValue(), steps);最后调用UiDevice.swipe方法来执行命令,判断是否执行成功。